Words cannot describe how grateful I am to everyone who came to our trivia night to raise funds for the orphanages, agent orange residents and disadvantaged communities in Central Vietnam.This trivia night had 3 goals; to support educational scholarships as I truly believe education is the way forward and a way for them to break this poverty cycle they are in; secondly, to purchase physiotherapy equipment for the disabled and thirdly, to continue buying cows as it has been a huge sustainable and self sufficient form of support.
I am truly touched by everyone's love and generosity at what I do and the willingness to help. We raised $17,505 and even after the trivia night, donations are still coming through the account! Each one of us possesses this capacity for nurturing others in a way that evokes people's courage, magnificence and ability to selfheal.
You are the hands that reach out and make a difference where collective actions of powerful people can have an impact on those who need it. It's what I call moving from advocacy to activism. And the way I see it, it is not an option. It an obligation. The act and art of genuine assistance is, in its essence, to be present with another in their time of need, and to help them help themselves.
You are the hands that reach out and make a difference where collective actions of powerful people can have an impact on those who need it. It's what I call moving from advocacy to activism. And the way I see it, it is not an option. It an obligation. The act and art of genuine assistance is, in its essence, to be present with another in their time of need, and to help them help themselves.
We need to work alongside the disadvantaged communities so we can amplify their voices and needs to find solutions that are situation specific and sustainable. None of this is possible without you guys! It is not me. It really isn’t. I merely see myself as a conduit. A vessel that has the good fortune to be in a position to help others. I merely filter through what I can reach to others who cannot reach.
I have no other words but thanks, thanks and thanks.